How to search for family or loved ones tombstone photo located in Indiana using the Allen County Indiana Cemetery Project, hosted by
See the Allen County Indiana Cemetery Project
(hosted by: -

(note: correct link for your cemetary may be difficult to find)
This is a project of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution to document all cemeteries in Allen County. Use the search function in the upper left hand corner of the page to help locate a person's tombstone. (but please read on:)
Searching by name or last name doesn't seem to work. Do this: Enter the cemetery name in to the search box. Click the correct link from results, hopefully the first lsited, then go by the correct (plot) Section Transcriptions and Photos. Then look by the index of last name initials from there. Example below:
[If you do not get the correct link to for cemetary, make note the Township of the cemetary. Use the left side Township button/links to search. note: Make sure to use a correct link that states "Transcriptions and Photos" If this link doesn't exhist, the cemetery may not be in the database yet.]
Searching by Cemetary, Section and Name for photo:
You must know the Section the plot is in to find photo.
(you would have to be familiar of the location of the plot from a past visit to locate section from map)
See if the cemetary has a website anda map of the sections: example Try a google search for the cemetery and section map.
I found the example thru google search resulting with a Section map from Allen County Genealogical Society of Indiana: I am looking for the name Wilenski in Section E.
go to the:
Allen County Indiana Cemetery Project:
Enter cemetery name in to the search or locate cemetery or by going thru the list of links to find (in my example) the Catholic Cemetery:
go to the:
Catholic Some Transcriptions and Photos
(scroll down to find name)
Wilenski Alexander 1915 - 2001
Wilenski Alexander 1915 - 2001
Wilenski Helen S. 1917 – 2000
While not all grave sites are going to be found in this database, it is extensive. I suspect some older ones were left out, but not intentionally.