The Wisla delegation arrived at the Chicago O’Hare airport July 8th and came to Fort Wayne by bus to be paired with the Host families. On the 9th they visited the ACPL, Coney Island and Jefferson Point. Later they preformed at Crazy Pinz. They participated in the 3RF Parade on Saturday then visited the Zoo. On July 12, they toured the courthouse and Art Museum and Later to perform at Parkview Ball field.
Click on the thumbnails below to see clips of their 2010 preformance at the Foellinger Theater.

July 13th 2010, prior to the Plock Garden Ceremony, the Wisla Song and Dance Ensemble group was able to tour the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory Gardens, as one of the groups planned activities while in Fort Wayne.
The Plock City Officials departured on July 14th and the Wisla group preformed at Canterbury High School. On the 15th the Wisla group toured Sweetwater Sound and DeBrands and the 16th they went to Cedar Point.
On Sunday, July 18, 2010, the FWSCI hosted a "going away" party for the Wisla group and the Host Families in the Aboite Township Community Room. I want to thanks all the Host families for making the time and the endeavor to Host this group. I know it is not as easy as one may think and a lot of provisions and scarifies has to be made, so thank you for all you have given.
The party had changed locations several times and the menu provisions finalized just days before the party. All things considered, despite putting it all together in the last few days, everyone had a most enjoyable time. Jean Podzielinski really worked hard to collaborate to whole ordeal.
Our Lodge helped with food, Jeff Wilenski made (brudny grzyb i wołowina Joe's) beef & mushroom sloppy Joes, home-made kettle corn, and brought loaves of Brownberry breads, and a pineapple pudding bunt cake. Nellie Wood made orange sherbet punch, and brought iced tea. Richard Pacer made Makowiec (poppy seed cake) and Joyce made a vegetable dish. Jean Podzielinski, functioning for the FWSCI, made BBQ sloppy Joes and had trays of rolled up ham for ham sandwiches with condiments. The Host families brought in many wonderful salads and deserts.
The group sang several of their song and didn’t “miss a beat” with their enthusiasm and professionalism. This is a very talented group. We are fortunate to have had such a gifted group here in Fort Wayne.
The group plans to visit the Fox Island Nature Preserve on Monday, July 19th. They will depart Tuesday morning by bus to perform in N.C. for the Folkmoot USA International Festival.
Article on the PNA Home Office ( website:
(Corrections for the PNA Article: the Plock City Delegates left on July 14th for Plock, PL and the Wisla group departed on the 20th to N.C., USA. Photos by: Jan Odrobina, Jeff Wilenski and Gabe Delobb.)
Wisla Song & Dance Ensemble (Zespół Pieśni i Tańca „Wisła”) website: